Legal and terms of use.

Please refer to the Privacy Notice of Thoroughfare Ltd (‘the firm’) outlined here. If you or any other user of this site is uncomfortable, with any of the terms, please refrain from using the site or please contact the firm if necessary.

Whilst the firm is committed to making resources available to charities and the use of this website as a support tool where of value, it reserves the right to take the website down at any time, for design, professional or any other reason. In such an instance that you or your charity was reliant on an aspect of the website’s content, please contact the firm and the information available to you again will be made available to you again if possible.

Thoroughfare Ltd’s site is only for users in the UK – it shouldn’t be used for any entity’s purpose that isn’t based in the UK.

Thoroughfare Ltd is technically the owner or the licensee of ‘intellectual property’ on this site and in the material published thereon. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties, all such rights are reserved. Thoroughfare is a registered trademark in the UK.

You may print off a copy and may download extracts, of any pages from this site for your personal use or that of your entity, and you may draw the attention of others within your organisation to content posted on our site. Please refrain from amending any presentation significantly however and then presenting to a third-party as the work of the firm.

Should you wish to share any of the content on this site, the firm asks that you consider acknowledging the firm (or any of the contributors identified on the site) as the author, so they aren’t denied credit for their work.

Importantly, the content on this site is provided for general information only, and is not intended to amount to advice on which you or another entity should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content on our site.

Although the firm makes reasonable efforts to update the information on its site, the firm makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on this site is accurate, complete or up to date.

Thoroughfare Ltd is not responsible for websites linked to from this website. Where this site contains links to other sites & resources provided by third parties, those links are provided for your information only. Those links should not be interpreted as approval by the firm of those linked websites or information you may obtain from them. The firm has no control over the contents of those sites or resources.

The firm doesn’t accept responsibility for viruses and please try not to introduce them.  The firm does not guarantee that its site will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access our site – please use your own virus protection software. You must not misuse this site by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful.

You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to this site, the server on which the site (or any other of the firm’s files) is/are stored or any server, computer or database connected to this site. You must not attack this site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence. The firm will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities & co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use this site will cease immediately.

In respect of brand content, the firm requests that you do not display any logos or visual representations of the firm (logos, brand material etc.) without obtaining its permission first.